
In veldl baym taykhl, dort zenen gevaksn 

margeritkelekh elnt un kleyn

Vi kleyninke sunen mit vaysinke shtraln, 

mit vaysinke - tralalala.

Gegangen is Khavele shtil un farkholemt, 

tselosn di goldblonde hor

Dos heldzl antbloyst un gemurmlt gesungen 

a lidele: Tralalala.

Do kumt ir antgegn a bokher, a sheyner 

mit lokn, mit shvartse wi pekh.

Er flamt mit di oygn un entfert ir lustik, 

un entfert ir: "Tralalala!"

"Vos sukhstu, do meydl? Vos hostu farloyren? 

Vos vilstu gefinen in vald?"

"Ikh sukh margeritkes!", farroytlt sikh Khave, 

farroytlt sikh, tralalala.

"Du sukhst nokh? Un ikh hob shoyn take gefunen, 

di sheynste margeritke in vald!

A margeritke mit tsep un mit oygn safirn, 

mit eygelekh, tralalala!"

"Neyn, ikh hob shoyn margeritkes ... ikh hob zich fargessn!

Ikh sukh do - nisht weyt is a quall!"

"Der quall is geshlossn, un mir bleybst du durshtig 

beim quallkhele, tralalala!"

"Ikh wil gornisht trinkn! Ikh sukh mir a shottn! 

Di sunn bakt doreyn so heyss!"

"Meyne hor senen shwartser un kihler wi shottns 

in weldele, tralalala!"

"O loss mikh! Men tor nisht! Di mame sogt, men tor nisht!

Meyn mame is alt un is beys!"

"Wu mame? Wos mame? Do zaynen nor beymer, 

nor beymelech, tralalala!"

"Men seyt!" - "Keyner seyt nisht!" - "Men hert!" - "Keyner hert nisht! 

Dos weldl is blind un gedikht.

Umarme mikh, sisse! Du seyst, ikh bin ruhig. 

Ikh kush dich nur, tralalala!"

"Du libst mikh?" - "Ikh lib dikh." - "Du shemst zikh?" - "Ikh shem zikh!" - 

"O lib mikh un shem zikh un shvayk.

Un ze, wi es mishn zikh pekh-shwartse kroyzn 

mit goldene, tralalala!"

Di sun is fargangen, der bokher farshwundn, 

un Khavele sitst nokh in vald.

Si kukt in der waytns un murmlt farkholemt 

dos lidele: Tralalala!

(Trad/ Zalman Shneour, Warschau 1909)




In the woods, near the pond, there grew

daisies simple and small

Like tiny suns with beams of white, 

with white - tralalala.

Along came Khavele, quiet and dreamy, 

untied was her golden blond hair

and bare was her neck, humming softly

a little tune: Tralalala.

There, a boy appears, a fair one 

with curls as black as pitch.

He twinkles and gaily answers her, 

and answers her: "Tralalala!"

"What are you looking for, girl? What have you lost? 

What do you think you'll find in the woods?"

"I'm seeking daisies!", Khave blushed, 

blushed, tralalala.

"You're still seeking? And I have already found one

the fairest daisy in the woods!

A daisy with plaits and with eyes like sapphires, 

with eyes, tralalala!"

"No, I've already got daisies ... I just forgot!

I'm looking for - there's a well nearby!"

"The well's dried up and you'll remain thirsty

at that well, tralalala!"

"I don't want to drink, though! I'll find me some shade! 

The sun is burning so hot!"

"My hair is blacker and cooler than the shades 

in the woods, tralalala!"

"O let me! One mustn't! My mum says, one mustn't!

My mother is old and malicious!"

"Mother where? What Mother? There are just trees, 

only trees, tralalala!"

"They'll see!" - "No one's looking!" - "They'll hear!" - "No one' listening! 

The woods are blind and thick.

Embrace me, you sweet one! You see, I am gentle. 

I'm just kissing you, tralalala!"

"You love me?" - "I love you." - "You're ashamed?" - "I'm ashamed!" -

"O love me and be ashamed and say nothing.

And look how pitch black curls are mixing 

with golden ones, tralalala!"

The sun has gone, the boy has left, 

and Khavele is still sitting in the woods.

She stares in the distance, dreamily humming

that little tune: Tralalala!

(Trad/ Zalman Shneour, Warshaw 1909)

Ein Konzertbesucher meinte mal, in diesem Lied werde eine Vergewaltigung geschönt. Ich glaube, das war ein sprachbedingtes Missverständnis. Am "Lied vom Brombeerenpflücken", dem ich dieses Lied wegen der inhaltlichen Ähnlichkeit gern gegenüberstelle, fand der Mann nichts auszusetzen.

Jiddische Liederbücher, in denen "Margeritkelekh" vollständig abgedruckt steht, sind selten! Ich habe die fehlenden Strophen auf einer CD von Chava Alberstein gefunden und (vielleicht nicht immer korrekt) transkribiert. Jiddisch wird eigentlich in hebräischen Schriftzeichen geschrieben, und es gibt keine verbindliche Regel, wie man die Buchstaben und Laute korrekt latinisiert.

Erstmals habe ich dieses Lied für Ute Rüppels jiddisches Liederprogramm "Shalom Musik" gesungen. "'ss brent" und "Aj-lju-lju" sind weitere Relikte dieser Zeit.

A concert visitor once suspected this song to gloss a rape. I think that was a misunderstanding, caused by language. The man didnot find anything wrong with the German "Song of picking Blackberries", which I like to oppose to this one for comparison of the stories.

Yiddish song books with the complete lyrics of "Margeritkelekh" are rare! I found the missing stanzas on a CD by Chava Alberstein and hopefully transcribed them correctly. Anyway, Yiddish is actually written in Hebrew letters, and there is no obligatory rule how to latinize the phonetics correctly.

I first sang this song for Ute Rüppel's programme of Yiddish songs,
"Shalom Musik". "'ss brent" and "Aj-lju-lju" are two more living relicts from that time.


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